Durags VS. Dome Caps

I have found in my 28 years of life on this earth that somethings work better than others.  Years ago when I was younger my dad would hook me up with Sport n Waves and a durag and tell me to brush my hair like crazy and throw on my durag. He taught me the hot towel method. Thats where it all started. I did all that, got lazy, grew an afro, cut it off, had a hi top fade, cut that down to a fade and all the other hair styles in the book from curls to twists and also had braids.
From getting my hair down to a constant 1.5 to 2 length for the past few years, i have used multiple durags in my lifetime. I have also discovered the dome cap. It works great for if you are going to be wearing it around the house or if you arent doing anything to sweat your hair out. If you are going out and are going to be active, the durag is best. It stays down, keeps the hair laid down and doesnt let your hair frizz out.
There are many pros and cons to every story but just personally, I like durags.


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