The importance of taking care of your hair.

Well waveheads I'm back! I'm writing this blog about taking care of your hair in general because there is a lot of things that we do to our hair that in essence is damaging. We put a lot of products in our hair that clog the pores on the scalp and some of us do not wash our hair on a daily basis. This creates a layer of dirt that in the long run will damage your hair later on in your wave journey. This blog is how to take care of your hair so that your waves grow, develop and have a great shine to them.

Step One: Make sure that your brushes and du-rags are clean!
This is the most important step for all wavers. Your brush spreads all the product through your hair and moves the gunk and grime that is in your hair when you add more products in your hair and makes adds layers and layers of product to the existing product in your hair. Make sure that you wash your brushes as often as you brush your hair. This will make sure that your hair and brushes are always clean. At the same instance, make sure that your durags are clean as well. This is going to add that layer of pomade, grease, lotion, cream, whatever to the top layer of your hair! Your durag is very prone to get dirty quickly! From sweat to pomade your durag absorbs it all so make sure that you aren't adding another layer of dirty mess to your hair and your wave journey a little easier.

Step Two: Wash your hair with GOOD shampoo
Enough said right? Wrong! Washing your hair is great as it takes all the old product out of your hair and helps prevent breakage and split ends from happening. Heat is one of the greatest inventions for wavers as it makes hair manageable. When selecting a shampoo make sure that you are looking at all the chemicals that are going to be in use when washing your hair. Selecting a all natural shampoo with NO sulfates is a little more expensive on the front end but in the long run, your hair will be healthy. It wont itch, and will provide a great shine and you will notice that your hair growth will also be better as well because your pores will not be as clogged.

Step Three: Conditioner
Conditioning your hair will provide moisture and make your hair softer, more manageable so that your "curls" will form and, with a proper brushing pattern, will create GREAT waves! Once again, selection is key. All conditioners work well but all natural conditioners are better! Make sure that when you are applying the conditioner in the shower that you give it TIME to work. Then make sure that you have a good leave in conditioner when you are not washing your hair as this will keep your hair moist and soft. Both of those key things make for great waves.

Step Four: Repeat
Make sure that you keep all these steps in your process and you will see the results.

Thanks for reading and Keep on Brushing!
Tha Hitman
@702tatted on twitter if you want some tips and tricks!


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