Deep Conditioning

Hey folks I have been wanting to do this for a while so I finally did it a couple days ago. I did an 18 hour deep condition. I used Henna and Placenta. This stuff is amazing. You should be able to find this at your local walmart for under a dollar. get 2 packets as you will want to do this again.

If you do this at the end of your day it would be best because then you can just roll into the next day.

Step one get your packet of henna and placenta and apply to your hair. using a comb or brush apply to hair as you would brush your hair. Your head is going to be white, its ok as this is not supposed to soak in to your hair. Next thing that you want to do after you have applied the whole packet to your hair is get either a clean plastic bag or a shower cap and put it on. Flatten this down and make sure that it is secure. Now apply your durag. This is going to push the conditioner into your head and scalp. Make sure that all this is secure on your head. NOT TIGHT, JUST SECURE. now put on a beanie, yes folks this is going to make your head hot and make the conditioner start to work. Wear overnight and the next day, about a whole 18 hours.

Now take off your durag and get into the shower. keep the shower cap on. lean your head into the water and let the hot water spray on your head evenly for about 10 minutes. This will activate the conditioner. After 10 min, take off the shower cap and grab your brush. apply a small amount of shampoo to your head and brush out the conditioner. After all the conditioner is out of your head, pat dry and get your Medium Brush out and brush until slightly dry. Add a small (dime size) amount of Olive Oil hair lotion to your hair and brush in. Put on tsurag and see the results after 2 hours.

You will be amazed how soft your hair is. Do this about 2 weeks before you get a hair cut. I do this on week 6 of my wolfin process. You will notice that you will not need as much product and that your brushing sessions will seem much easier as your hair is more maintainable. I recommend using spinnin classic for hold and olive oil  to make your hair softer when you brush.


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