Olive Oil Hair lotion 2 brush method

Hello All! Here is another method for you to use in your wave building process.

Tools needed:Hard BrushMedium BrushOlive Oil Hair LotionTsurag

This is my 2 brush method. This is pretty much what I do on a daily basis when my hair is a lil over a 1.5 wtg. First thing that I do is take a dime size amount of Olive oil hair lotion and apply evenly to all sides of your head. This will create moisture and also add nutrients to your hair that you will need. Take the hard brush and brush x50 strokes on all sides of your head. This is going to get the curl to stretch from the scalp and train your hair while you are wolfin'.  
After I do that I Then apply another dime size amount of olive oil hair lotion and brush x100 strokes on my head with the medium brush. This will help train your connections. when your hair is this low the med brush will act as the soft brush when you are trying to train your hair and get your connections right.
After you are done with your brushing session, put on your tsurag and then you will be good during the day. If you can get away with wearing your tsurag in the beginning of your day and not have to take it off, dont for at least 2 hours. That way you can get some compression of your hair and train the new hairs to lay down. 
I do this method every day, washing my hair 2 times a week.

Thats it. Olive Oil and 2 brushes. Simple right!
