What You Will Learn During Your Wave Journey

Hey wavers, I was going to do a video blog but I decided that if you are a real waver you will sit down, stop what you are doing and read this. This is important. This is the moment when you realize that you have more to learn. Your waves seem perfect, they are flawless, they look really really good! Right? Well things will start to change, this is one thing that you will learn early. Your wave pattern WILL change. Subtle changes will occur in your wave training from how you hold your brush to how you lay in your sleep. You are going to have to deal with the change and train your hair all the time, it will perfect itself if you put the work in. You will also learn that there are a lot of wavers out there, they just dont all have youtube pages and they dont have blogs but they all have the same dedication to the lifestyle just like you!

You will also learn about Products. Products will fly in and out of your life and you will look and realize that you have probably spent THOUSANDS of dollars when you get your roots set in and have settled down and got your craft just right. Products ENHANCE waves, they DO NOT make waves. The products that you use are going to help soften your hair, stretch out the curl to a wave and then lay the stretched curl out and stay that way. These products are going to have to go through a trial and error testing. You will see this when you look in your closet 4 years later. I have products that I have used just through a 2 month wolfing session from a fresh hair cut and wash. I can tell you what products that I have used and gone through and my experience but remember this, ONLY YOU can try these products and get your own results.

Thats the great thing about this movement, this lifestyle, this wave motivation is, that you can give this to others. Teach young boys to become great MEN! Teach young ladies to become WOMEN all with our hair! I give this to you, because I have no children but this was taught to me by my father and now that im in my 30's I can teach this to someone. This is going to be a journey that you are going to learn from. This is more than a hairstyle, its a lifestyle. Its a classy, professional haircut. Its one to be taken seriously because if you can show how long it takes to get to the perfect point in your wave journey, then someone will listen. 

The End Result
You will take what you learn from this and hopefully do good with it. Hopefully.


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