Carrot Oil Product Review and Use Update

Hey folks so I know its been a while since I have posted a new article and here is why. I have gone through hours and hours of brushing my hair and I have gone through too many products to name, mostly Wave Builder. I have been going through more products not in the Wave Builder line for the past couple years now. Ranging from Carrot Oil and Roller Coaster Waves, just to name a couple and, my hair seems to stay the same. 
Right now I am using Carrot Oil(link above), a leave in conditioner that you can get from any Walmart, and Wave  Builder's Coco and Shea butter pomade. My pattern has changed again. Nothing bad, just nothing too talk about. Its just natural hair evolution. Its been 4 weeks since I have cut my hair besides small trims for the past 8 and the only thing I have really changed is the way I compress my hair.
As you know I have been experimenting with head wraps, my tsurag and a durag. The head wrap works great but it leaves the crown and back a lil puffy. The tsurag if you wash it maintains its hold all around. I reccomend having both on hand. The durag is classic and always works to lay hair down. When I'm at a 1 to 1.5 cut, I use a Coldlvbel stocking cap and it works fine.


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